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My last holiday !

hello there !
today i would like to tell you a story about my latest vacation. If you dont know, this holiday i went on a 2 week trip with my family to Melbourne, Australia.
It was a wild one because we went to a bunch of places before hand by car. First, we went to Banyuwangi to eat breakfast on the beach before going inside a ferry to go to Bali island ! It took us quite a while but we eventually reached Nusa Dua, where we stayed in Bali for two days. We took a lot of pictures and walked along the seashore for hours.

The two days ended in a tick. Later at 6 pm, we went to I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport at Kuta to get to Melbourne ! The flight was very long and painful because the aircraft is very small. Scientific research said that smaller aircraft have higher rate of turbulence and it shows ! The ride was wild, not to mention that there was a big storm by the time we reach Northen Australia. It was really scary because i can feel the aircraft wobbling. To make things worst, i can see thunders striking behind the dark clouds. I had to close the curtain to sleep peacefully, but it still didn't relief my anxiety.

we eventually arrived at Melbourne at 6 am in the morning. We instantly hopped onto a taxi to get to the Pullman hotel, where we'll be staying for two days. The taxi driver is really nice, his name is Alpha and he's from greece ! He is such a heartwarming individual who welcomes us with open arm to Melbourne. We talked a lot and found out that he's living his best life with his wife and two children. We are hoping the best for him !

We arrived at Swanston street before walking for a bit to get to the hotel. It is such a small building on the busy neighbourhood despite the fact that Pullman is a famous fancy 5 star hotel. I was honestly kinda surprised but im not mad at it because i will be spending the rest of the day walking on the streets anyway. Everything is so familiar because i've been here before two years ago. There is also a tram infront of our hotel so going to the other neighbourhood is not a problem. We have to get a myke card to get out of the free tram zones though (oh right, did i say that there is a free tram zone there ? You wont need to pay if you only want to travel around the city. Really cool !)

anyway, we spend the two days lurking around for gifts and culinary (oh yeah i tried kangaroo meat. It was okay, not my favourite to be honest) before meeting up with my dad's friend to go camping at mount beauty. We went there with a car that my dad rented. There, we met two other families. Tristan's, and Axels'. Tristan is a guy my age who lives at Melboune. He have a sister named Reyna who is in last year of grade school right now. Axel in the other hand is a little kid  who loves to play. He is very cheerful and lively. He creates positive vibes tro give to other people and i found that adorable !

The trip at mount beauty ended in 3 days before we went back to Melbourne and booked two nights at the Jasper hotel at Elizabeth street. We didnt do much because we were very tired from camping, but i did ride the city circle tram and shop for more things with my mom. We woke up early in the morning to hit Queen victoria's market. We got a lot of souvenires and gifts for a good deal.

Next is my personal highlight from the trip. We stayed at my dad's friend's house to live as a local (cool right ?) i was so happy that i made a video of the house, explaining every inch of it and what did we do there. I won't be explaining much because i have a video explaining all of it !

thats all the time that i have today. Thank you for reading !


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