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My goal and Ambitions

 Hello! today i'd like to talk about my goals in life!

Let me be completely honest here, i am still very much unsure about my future plans. I think its normal especially when we're only 15 years old. Though it always makes me self concious because my friends already hav a plan ahead of them. They all have a specific goal while mine is o restart my whole life by living in another country. It sometimes scares me, but i really want to take that leap and see what life is going to bring me.

Yes, i did said living in another country! it's been my dream to live at Australia! I've been there two times and everything about the country astonishes me. The city, the view, the people, everything! I've made a friend on my trip there and their way of living really opened my eyes. We talked about so many things but what intrests me the most is their education system. People there value digging up a matter until its core. Thats why they have specific classes like photography, coding, and specific scince or math (like advanced algerbra, etc.)

I feel like there's a flaw in Indonesia's education system. We're told to master everything, which does sounds like a really good plan. It's better so that no matter what life will hit us with, we can deal with it. But us humans can't do that, there will always be something we're bad at. Plus, being averege on everything wont leave any remarkable impression on others, unlike when someone masters something untill its very core.

That is what drove me to wanting to study abroad.

Lets talk post graduation, i really want to go to Melbourne University after i graduate. It does sounds really hard. Moving to another country by the age of 17 sounds and is difficult. I've done some research and contacted some people, and the process does take a while. But i am trying my best to stay positive and keep on trying. I am currently on my first step to going there by practicing for my IELTS test. I am aiming to get atleast a 7 so that i can also work there. I haven't find a specific job that strikes my intrest, but a human resource department manager sounds appealing!

Sadly, i haven't had any achievement ever since i got into high school, heck ever since i got into middle school! which is a little bit weird because i was such a pupil student back in elementary school. I used to ace a lot of story telling and speech competitions and my grades was flawless. I used to dream of being a news achor because of my love of talking infront of an audience. I guess "wasted potential" is a word that describes me the best. I don't feel comfortable talking about what happened but my mental health have drasticly declined ever since i started going into middle school. My grades flunked and i've lost my confidence ever since. I believe that i have recovered but i will never be in the same state as i was back then.

Thats why i have been focusing more on my own well being and mental health. I haven't been in competitions because i've lost my confidence, but im sure that i'll get back on track when i'm back at the same stage i was 5 yeaes ago. Instead of joining competitions, i've been focusing more on organization activities and practicing my social skills. I've joined many out of school activities such as extraculicullars, kaderasi, and kepanitiaan

I am really proud of the many social events i've tried out because with that, i am surely gaining back my social skills! I am currently active in this organization called SOSHONBU which is Bandung's japanese club association. I am one of the representatives of NK3, currently working as a staff in publication and information. It has almost been a year after i started working there and i've gained many experiences. I'm currently planning to enroll again for the next year, aiming to be the koordinator.

That's all from me! I hope you find my story intresting!

See you!


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