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G30S/PKI Recount Text

Chronology of G30SPKI
The abduction happened on the 1st of October. 3 of 7 generals ;  Ahmad Yani, M.T. Haryono dan D.I. Panjaitan, got killed in their own houses. The rest of the 7 generals was captured alive. Abdul Harris Nasution was their ‘prized posession’, but he still manages to escape by hiding near the Iranian embassy building. Because of that, the organisation captured Pierre Tendean and their daughter, Ade Irma S. Nasutionon 6th of October. Victms keep on flying around from then. The next person to be killed was the Nasution family neighbour’s guard, and the last was Abert Naiborhu.
Exactly 2000 military force was appointed to protect the place we now know as Lapangan Merdeka, Monas. They all tried their best although they wasn’t able to take over the east part of the field because it was the location of Soeharto’s KOSTRAD headquarter.
At about 7 in the morning, Indonesia’s biggest radio stationat the time (RRI) broadcast a message from Untung Syamsuri, Commander Cakrabiwa that the G30SPKI had been successfully taken over in several strategic locations. People believed that the G30SPKI movement was supported by the CIA who wanted to depose Sukarno from his position.
After a while, one of the neighbors told people about Soeharto aboutashooting that happened near his location at half past 6 in the morning. Hearing this news, Suharto immediately moved to the KOSTRAD Headquarters and contacted members of the militaryand police.
Suharto also succeeded in persuading two battalions of the rivalto immediately send themselvesinStartingfrom the Brawijaya troops who entered the KOSTRAD headquarters area, then followed bytheDiponegoro troops who fled to Halim Perdana Kusuma.Because the process was running poorly, Suhartowas able to defeat PKI

How it All Ended
1.     October 1st, 1965
The plan to end the G30S/PKI movement began on October 1, 1965 in the afternoon. The central RRI building and the Telecommunications Central Office was recaptured without bloodshed by the RPKAD unit under the leadership of Colonel Sarwo Edhi Wibowo, the Kujang / 328 Siliwangi troops, and assisted by cavalry forces. After it was discovered that the G30S/PKI base was around Halim Perdana Kusuma, the target was directed there.
2.     October 2nd, 1965
On October 2nd, Halim Perdana Kusuma was attacked by a RPKAD unit under the command of Colonel Sarwo Edhi Wibowo on the orders of Major General Suharto. At 12.00 noon, the whole place was successfully controlled by the Army.
3.     October 3rd, 1965
On Sunday, October 3rd, 1965, RPKAD troops led by Major C.I Santoso managed to control the Lubang Buaya area. Corporal Sukirman who were prisoners of the G30 S / PKI who managed to escape from the Lubang Buaya area told the search party that the lost TNI-AD members was killed inside the Lubang Buaya Well. The area was intensively investigated. Finally on October 3 1965 they found where the abducted officers were killed. The corpses of the officers were put into a well with a depth of about 12 meters, which became known as the name of the Lubang Buaya Well.
4.     October 4th, 1965
On 4thof October, the digging of the Crocodile Hole was resumed (because it was postponed on October 13 at 17:00 West Indonesia Time until the next day) which was continued by the KKO-AL Amphibian forces, watched over by the temporary leadership of the Indonesian Army Major General Soeharto. The bodies of the officers showed physical damage to such an extent. This is a silent witness to the Indonesian people how cruel torture they experienced before death.
5.     October 5th, 1965
On October 5th, the bodies of the army officers were buried in the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery.
6.     October 6th, 1965
On October 6th, with a government decree taken at the Dwikora Cabinet Session, the army officers were designated as the Heroes of the Revolution.
The September 30th Movement or often abbreviated as G30S PKI was an incident that occurred on 30 September 1965 in which six high-ranking Indonesian military officials and several others were killed in an attempted rebellion called an attempted coup alleged to members of the Indonesian Communist Party.

(gurupendidikan, 2019)


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