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this is me

Hey everyone !
this blog is mine (LOL) so i'm going tell everyone about myself ! (Fun)

My name is Kayla Nurul Aurelia, but you can call me Kayla or Kay in short. I was born in Bandung on 22nd December 2004 ! that makes me 14 years old at this moment. i am the eldest most wisest sibling (oh my god who is this girl) of the family. i have one really annoying younger brother who is at 8th grade now. His name is Farrel and he goes to the bilingual class at Taruna Bakti. He seems smarter already, huh. I have a loving mom and dad who (i hope) loves me. They assigned me to go to BPI elementary school when i was 5 years old, which makes me 14 today ! They assigned me to 5 public middle school right after i graduated, and now im here.

Some of my hobbies are drawing, writing, and singing. Let me tell you about drawing first, i have been drawing for my whole entire life. I have been drawing on the wall ever since i remembered. I consider my drawing style as styalized. It means my style is far from being realistic. i consider myself as a manga cartoonist because of my style. i can do realistic portraits but it'll take me a while to finsih the piece.

I just moved into the MIPA major just now (3rd day here. Im dying help, i dont know anyone lol) so i guess thats that. Let me tell you something, im really bad at socializing, and it sucks because friends and mutuals are a big aspect in my life. I consider myself having an "averege" amount of friends although im bad at talking though ! One tip if y'all want to befriend me is that you should have a really bad sense of humor. Honestly, skip the "how are you ?" and go straight into yelling about your K-POP bias to my face (i made a friend like that once lol). Make yourself comfortable, and i'll treat you the same way !

Okay enough talking about how to make me your friend, let me tell everyone about why did i move into the MIPA major.

Once upon a time,
my dad yelled at me for going to IPS.
Then i basicly died.
The end.
 (wow very heart warming, pass me the tissue).

Its just that i still haven't figured out about my dreams. This long dream called life is actually very short and i really should start on making the right decisions about my future. "What do you want to be when you grow up ?"

A doctor ?
Nah, i'm afraid of the human internal organ.
An architect ?
I can't even make a straight line.
A youtuber ?
Wow this one seems correct. I'll make scandalous twitter posts and post it online for clout, it'll be fine. (I'm being sarcastic calm down.)

Long story short, i'm still confused about what to be. Everyone already have a goal on what to be. People are already trying out for scholarships, they're already doing comissions of their amazing work. Here i am, a 14 year old girl still figuring out how to not oversleep. I have a lot to figure out, and it starts with blending in and socializing with the new environment.

this is going to be hard, and i hope i can pass this. I also hope you all can survive school or any dayjob you have. Keep on loving what you're doing, because the work you hate will treat you the same way.

adios !


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